Example of Liberal Thought …
Here is a quintessential example of liberal problem solving. How many other examples can you come up with?
January 24, 2015 5 Comments
Sentinels of Fire by P.T. Deuterman
This is a novel that will appeal to readers interested in the WWII Pacific theater. The setting is Okinawa, 1945. Although the characters are mostly fictional, the events are very real. The action takes place on a picket line of sixteen radar-equipped destroyers positioned around Okinawa. They are there to warn the Allies of the approach of Japanese kamikaze planes. Sentinels of Fire is the story of a particular destroyer, the USS Malloy. Connie Miles, new chief executive officer, tells it. But although the focus is on the Malloy, it is also the story of the havoc reeked by kamikaze attacks on picket ships and men.
January 19, 2015 No Comments
Book Review: The Man who Sold the Moon

January 18, 2015 No Comments
Founders’ Son A Life of Abraham Lincoln By Richard Brookhiser

January 15, 2015 2 Comments
It’s not Terrorism, it’s activism…or something
Given the current assault (literally, in some instances, as we saw in Paris) on free speech, the fear of Islamic terrorism and the desire to be politically correct at all times (so that one can get invited to all of …
January 14, 2015 No Comments
The Essence of Hillary
December 16, 2014 9 Comments
The Fall of Fort William and Mary
The first overt act of revolution, in which American colonists took up arms against the British, took place on this date, 240 years ago, in Portsmouth Massachusetts.
December 14, 2014 2 Comments
CD Review: Good Lovelies

December 6, 2014 No Comments
Game Review: Power Grid

November 29, 2014 No Comments
What So Proudly We Hailed Francis Scott Key, A Life By Marc Leepson

November 25, 2014 1 Comment