The Johnstown Flood By David McCullough

October 14, 2014 No Comments
Totalitarianism from Inside and Out
October 9, 2014 3 Comments
Book Review: Isaac’s Storm

October 4, 2014 No Comments
Climate march of the tyrants
Lucky for most of us, the recent People’s Climate March skipped most of the world and settled in Manhattan and a few other places. There the climate change groupies performed, as they normally do, a parody of themselves.
September 29, 2014 8 Comments
Book Review: Thunderstruck

September 27, 2014 No Comments
John Marshall by Harlow Giles Unger

September 25, 2014 No Comments
There is a difference between recognizing that there is a higher Good in the sense of the True, and the Beautiful, and denying its existence while simultaneously trying to create it without a pattern upon which to base the design.
September 22, 2014 1 Comment
The Arroyo

September 18, 2014 2 Comments
Arundel by Kenneth Roberts

September 17, 2014 2 Comments
A Refusal To Reach For Heaven Means an Involuntary Descent Into Hell*
Life is transitory, but not meaningless and without purpose. Uncovering that purpose, and recognizing the transitory nature of our time on earth, forces one to confront certain realities that the are unpleasant to a mind that has been trained brain-washed to focus only upon what it can see, touch and feel.
September 16, 2014 6 Comments