Common Core Update
The trouble with prevaricating is that it is necessary to remember what has been said. That can be difficult enough for one individual, but when the premier federal education agency does so and all associated entities must follow suit, someone is bound to make a mistake and tell the truth.
August 28, 2014 3 Comments
Apparently, I Am A Racist
I have long been fighting the characterization. But now I realize that it is actually racist not to judge someone not on his actions, but on what race he was. Apparently, I was confused.
August 26, 2014 7 Comments
Just The Facts, Ma’am
It's very difficult to assess exactly what happened in any altercation fraught with violence and emotion, especially when the facts may be the last thing some parties want to discuss. There are those who would paint Michael Brown as a vicious, drug-crazed thug, and those who want everyone to believe he was poor innocent, helpless child.
Politicians, the likes of our President and Attorney General have their own agendas, as do the Reverend Al Sharpton, and the New Black Panthers.
The truth is what is important. A police officer has an obligation to preserve and protect, and like anyone else, the right to protect himself.
Justice must prevail - and justice has to mean the same thing to everyone - an honest appraisal of the facts.
August 25, 2014 4 Comments
Book Review: The Tipping Point

August 23, 2014 1 Comment
More on Common Core
Some months ago this blog commented on David Coleman’s announcement that the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) had been revised to align with Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Coleman, now president of the College Board, is known as the architect of CCSS.
August 18, 2014 No Comments
Old Gord’s Records – Volume 1: Old Dan’s Records

August 16, 2014 1 Comment
When Washington Burned An Illustrated History of the War of 1812

August 11, 2014 No Comments
CD Review: Susan Tedeschi

August 9, 2014 No Comments
Reflections on the state of things – from the back yard

August 5, 2014 2 Comments
Tool Review: Work Sharp 3000
August 2, 2014 1 Comment