Ideas Have Consequences : Chapter VI – The Spoiled-Child Psychology

June 26, 2014 2 Comments
An Essay Worth Reading …
Prejudice is now interpreted as a nasty word. It shouldn't be. Here's why.
June 23, 2014 2 Comments
Book Review: Alibi

June 21, 2014 2 Comments
Bloody Spring Forty Days That Sealed the Confederacy’s Fate By Joseph Wheelan

June 18, 2014 No Comments
Hillary Week, Harry Reid’s jobs program and more
“Hillary Week†recently concluded. It just seemed like it lasted a month. As you know, Hillary Clinton’s book, Hard Choices, was just released to exceptionally lukewarm reviews. At her New York book signing the crowds were decent, but we hear they were nowhere near as big as when the Jonas Brothers were there. (To be fair, crowds at my book signings aren’t even as big as the crowd for a Jonas sister, if only there actually was one – a sister, we mean.) However, during some of her interviews and a few book signing stops, we did learn a few things. For instance, apparently Abraham Lincoln was a senator. So, it seems, was Hillary Clinton. Who knew?
June 16, 2014 2 Comments
LibriVox Recording Review: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream is a fun play, and this LibriVox reading was enormously enjoyable and easy to listen to.
June 14, 2014 No Comments
Kids in Cages (Fundamentally Transforming America)
Another stunning example of how the president intends to "fundamentally transform America." The fact that he gets to stick it to our home state (Arizona) only makes it that much better for him.
June 13, 2014 No Comments
An Interview With Diana West

June 11, 2014 4 Comments
Maleficent: Mommie Dearest

June 9, 2014 1 Comment
Librivox Recording of Tiger by William Blake
I have always loved this poem since I was first acquainted with it in an English Literature class in college, many years ago.
Anyway, I listened to each of the 12 versions of this and found a jewel in the midst, version 8.
Give it a listen and see what you think.
June 7, 2014 3 Comments