Today's Politicos vs The Words and Deeds of The Founders
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Saturday Links

I don’t do this very often – my bad.  But there are some fine bloggers out there who deserve recognition.  We’ve had an interesting week.  Here is a small slice of what has been floating around in the corners of the blogosphere I frequent.

Richard Proenneke’s Retirement “Project”

Today’s History Lesson introduces me to the story of Richard Proenneke.  A 20th Century example of manliness.

The Patriot War – Part 1

The Patriot War – Part 2

The Patriot War – Part 3

This year is the 175th anniversary of the start of the Patriot War, a war that most people never heard of. It is the war in which citizens of the United States, not their government, declared war on the British. Aligned with Canadian rebels, they attacked England’s Canadian colonies 10 times between December 1837 and December 1838 from Michigan, Ohio, New York and Vermont. 

An Unsustainable President

Releasing enemy prisoners to return to the battlefield?  Requiring warrants to conduct raids on insurgent hideouts?  Implementing so-called “sustainable development” in the armed forces at the expense of combat readiness? Barack Obama might be the Commander-In-Chief (hopefully for just a few more painful months), but his inane and destructive policies, both foreign and domestic, present a clear and present danger to the security of the United States and every last one of its citizens and soldiers.  Our Congress, our judiciary, and — most importantly — the electorate this November, must hold this man accountable.  … read more at Bob Mack’s blog.

Community forum records Zimmerman chastizing police for Sherman Ware incident

Zimmerman will never have his name restored, and Trayvon’s cultists will have a price on his head for a long time to come.

 Brett Kimberlin Day: Link Post

The Sentry Journal provides a great list of articles on the strange case of Brett Kimberlin.  In summarizing Kimberlin’s recent threats to blogger Robert Stacy McCain,  John Carey explains: …  I’ve spent the better part of my life not only defending Mr. McCain’s right to expose the truth, but also Mr. Kimberlin’s right to defend himself.  Intimidation tactics used to quite opposing views has no place in America; in fact it’s despicable.  It’s the antithesis of every thing our founding fathers stood for and must be rejected by the people.

A Hockey Game Broke Out

The blog, Boston 1775 has an interesting article on the origins of hockey.  Although the Coyotes lost, we suppose it is still timely.

The Motor City Times

Steve highlighted a wide variety of news this week, everything from a new Vai video, to a piece on George Washington’s dinner bill at the City Tavern in Philadelphia, 1787.  Good stuff as always.

Fisker Karma Goes Up In Flames

Our government is hellbent on shoving “green” technology down our throats whether we like it or not.  False god Karma?

“A Tale Of Two Hoodies” Depicts Zimmerman As A White KKK Policeman and Trayvon As A Wide Eyed Innocent 5 Year Old

Exaggeration in satire or “race baiting?”

How NOT to Write a Headline…

Our favorite robot offers some good advice about thinking before you write.

Irresponsible Americans and our Government

What else can you call it when it is in the condition it is in?

Why Congress May Lawfully Require Citizens to Buy Guns & Ammunition, But Not To Submit To Obamacare.

In 1792, Congress passed “An Act more effectually to provide for the National Defense by establishing an Uniform Militia throughout the United States”. This Act required all able-bodied male citizens (except for federal officers and employees) between the ages of 18 and under 45 to enroll in their State Militia, get a gun and ammunition, and train.  For the rest of the story, see Publius Huldah

Gun Virgin: Christian Gun Toter

Part of an ongoing series about becoming a responsible gun owner.

The battle between faith and state

Check out the CH arti­cle on Illi­nois Review enti­tled:  Neigh­bor, how stands the Union? It dis­cusses the law­suit filed against the fed­eral gov­ern­ment by 40+ Catholic Dio­ce­ses and char­i­ta­ble insti­tu­tions and also reflects the Left’s next planned attack on reli­gious freedom.

Confessions of a Conservative Woman

The “war on women” deeply embedded in our culture is fueled by the media itself, the entity which often claims to champion “women’s rights.”

Conservatives and the Liberty Movement

The C/L raises some interesting points on the need for Libertarians and Conservatives to join forces and work in areas of overlap, rather than demonizing one another for their differences.  He points out that the real issue is Big Government or Small Government.  The BG types are to be found amongst the Democrats, Republicans, and Independents – but not amongst Libertarians.

Obama’s war on coal bears fruit: NJ electricity rates could octuple by 2015

Lisa Jackson is cackling with glee. Her boss promised us electricity rates would “necessarily skyrocket” and he’s delivered.


1 Bob Mack { 05.26.12 at 10:46 am }

Thanks for the link, Martin. This administration has been such a disaster that there’s never any shortage of blunders & ill-advised decisions about which to write. Heck, we need more bloggers just to keep up with all the documentation…


Martin Reply:

You are welcome sir. You do a fantastic job of pointing out the ridiculousness and malignity of this administration. Keep up the good work!


2 `John Carey { 05.26.12 at 11:57 am }

Thanks for the bump Martin. This is a story that must be spread. We very much appreciate the link. Keep up the great work you do here.


Martin Reply:

My pleasure John. The Sentry Journal is tops in my book.


3 Joel Mundt { 05.26.12 at 1:29 pm }


Thanks for linking to the Proenneke article, even though it’s totally out of character with your usual excellent work. His is a remarkable story. If you have some extra dollars, the two “Alone in the Wilderness” videos are, in my opinion, worth the money.

Continued regards on your wonderful work.


Martin Reply:

Thanks Joel. I always find great stuff over at Today’s History Lesson!


4 velvethammer { 05.26.12 at 2:11 pm }


Thanks so much for the linkage!
Great roundup. As a history geek, I particularly enjoyed the George Washington dinner tab post.

And Bob Mack’s post…well…let me put it this way…made me spit nails.
Warrants in a war zone??? O is THE most anti-American president this country has ever suffered under.
God help us…


Martin Reply:

You are more than welcome. It’s getting to the point where God is the only thing that can help us.


5 steve { 05.26.12 at 2:18 pm }

Thanks for the linkage!

Now off to check out the rest of the round up.


Martin Reply:

You are welcome Steve. Was worrying about you this week as I read a story about Detroit shutting off half their street lights? Hope you’re not in town too often after dark.


6 Shane { 05.28.12 at 5:19 am }

Thanks for the link, Martin. WWTFT has been on fire lately….keep up the great work!


Martin Reply:

My pleasure Shane, the same is true of The Bitter Americans.


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